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 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 67, District 11 SR
serving Newport Beach, California. 

1.   Meeting to order - pledge of allegiance

2.      Introduction of new members Jamie Zillmer and Steve Sherman.

3.      Approve minutes of April’s meeting.

4.      Awards.

5.      Member Attendance and general status




            Needing help?

            Recruitment of new members

6.      FSO reports to FVC

7.      FSO-OP, Crew commitments for the weekend work on the lake.

8.      Finance Officer Report.

9.      Discussion of remaining mandatory  training

10.  GAR

11.  New Business – Discussion of goals for the remainder of the year.

12.  Comments and discussion by members.

13.  Next meeting: 23Jun2010.

14.  Meeting adjourned.