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 U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 67, District 11 SR
serving Newport Beach, California.

A view of Newport Beach from a high point in Back Bay toward the Pacific

A view of the neighborhood - Visible on horizon is outline of the Santa Catalina Island

Welcome to our Flotilla's Website

***** A Flotilla is the smallest unit in Coast Guard Auxiliary organization*****

Our Flotilla consists of volunteers dedicated to support the U.S. Coast Guard in many of it's functions, not included are the military and the law enforcment operations.
Boating Safety, Search and Rescue, Radio Watch Standing, Patrolling coastal and inland waters, Marine Domain Awarness Patrolling, Vessel Safety Inspections, Boating Classes and promoting safety values are our primary tasks.

Should you wish to join in this exciting adventure, please visit us at our next Flotilla meeting.

We meet on 4th Wednesday of each month
At Newport Beach Yacht Club
1099 Bayside Drive
Newport Beach, California, 92660

Social hour and dinner start at 1800 hrs. - Meeting starts at 1900 hrs.

Next meeting will be held on 23Jun2010

Photos below were taken during Vessel Inspection weekend at Lake Elsinore, CA.
A six year old girl on a Jet Ski A 10 or 11 year boy on a jet ski ata shore of lake Elsinore

A couple of assistants at the Lake